Synonyms: Agaricus adustus, Agaricus elephantinus, Agaricus nigrescens, Omphalia adusta, Russula adusta, Russula eccentrica, Russula elephantina.
Common name: blackening brittlegill.
Russian names: Podgruzdok cherneiushchiy, Syroezhka cherneiushchaya.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Russula nigricans, commonly known as the blackening brittlegill or blackening russula, is a gilled mushroom found in woodland in Europe. It gains both its common and scientific name from its propensity to turn black from cutting or bruising. It is edible but of indifferent quality.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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